Background Screening

Our background screening services provide essential checks for screening talent, crew, and businesses associated with productions.

Background Screening

Our Essential Screening package provides fundamental background checks to verify key details, offering a quick and dependable solution for maintaining basic standards in your production.

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FAQs for Background Screening

Are these background checks approved by all Networks and Streamers?

We have provided background screenings for nearly all major Networks and Streamers and are approved and preferred vendors with most.

Yes, we do conduct international background screening.

We conduct all of our own research directly, while many of our competitors rely on third-party vendors and are subject to high-volume wait times.

Our team is largely comprised of former intelligence analysts and can tailor the scope and depth of their research specifically to your needs.

10-15 business days.

Yes, the costs of aliases are included.

Book a Call

Please fill the form and a specialized team member will be in touch with you soon to discuss your screening needs.